Sunday, March 27, 2011
How I met your Father: The Aggie episode

Thursday, March 17, 2011
Season Premiere! How I met your Father!
Baby Farley – How I met your father
Have you seen the legendary sitcom called “How I met your mother?” It has quickly become one of our favorite shows. We are thankful for Netflix because we literally spent a few days having a HIMYM marathon ;) The main character, Ted, is telling his children how he met their mother. But there are many stories that led to that meeting. A friend of mine took this idea and shared her own story on her blog and I am about to do the same. So grab some popcorn and enjoy!
When people ask how we met, and we tell them, they sort of do a double take. You met how? Really? Yes, it’s nerdy, and geeky, and we might as well be carrying our pocket protectors, because it pretty much takes dorky to a whole new level. But it has led to a beautiful marriage and a sweet little boy named Elijah James Farley.
It all started in 2003. Little did I know that the decisions I made as a college freshman would lead to where I am now. If you don’t know us and don’t know our story, you are probably thinking we met in college, but this is only partially true. We were both in college, but I was just starting and Cory was just finishing his masters! In Fall of 2003, I was leaving my home for the first time and going to home of the Tigers, Mizzou. At that time, I was dating my high school sweetheart, Micah Stanek.
Micah and I had been best pals since nearly 6th grade, especially since I had the super little girl crush on him from the moment I met him, but it wasn’t until 8th/9th grade that we became what a 14 year old can call “official.” We were “dating,” “going steady,” whatever you want to call it. And according to my cousin Brittany, who is 5 years younger than me, Micah is all I would talk about! At 14, you think you know what love is. Heck, at 18 you think you know what love is. I believe that a 14 year old can find love and an 18 year old can find love, but from those early teenage years to the mid 20s, people change so much. You can love at that early age, but its not the same kind of love you find in that person that just happens to be your soul mate. That is the kind of love I found with Cory, but we will get to that.
Micah and I dated all through high school and our first year of college. And I am thankful for our time together in many ways, but the most precious thing I got out of my relationship with Micah was my relationship with the Lord. In 6th grade, Micah invited me to Chesterfield Presbyterian Church to go to ZOO, the middle school youth group. I had not grown up in the church so I was curious and longing to know who this “God” guy was, and not to mention trying to impress this 14 year old boy. Thanks to that invitation, I know the Lord as does my family.
In 2003, I was off to Columbia, Missouri, to study psychology and Micah was off to Chicago to attend Northwestern studying film/television. Little did I know, that my second semester, Spring 2004, that I was going to meet the love of my life. I just wouldn’t know he was the love of my life for some time.
Next episode: The Aggie
Monday, March 7, 2011
Our little model