The past few days we have learned a key lesson: naps are a vital part of a babys day and if baby doesn't sleep during the day, it will make for a rough night...the more exhausted baby is the harder it is get baby to sleep! Oh man. Yesterday Eli decided he wanted to take the whole world in and refused to nap for much of the day. After his 630 pm feeding, he stayed awake for about 7 hours. Poor baby was so mad cuz he was so tired but he would not go to sleep! Mommy and daddy tried EVERYTHING in the books to get him to sleep. Finally at 130ish, he fell asleep! Today naptime is going much better.
On Wednesday, I took Eli to the doctor about his circ. He is now on Clindamycin oral antibiotic as well as nystatin cream to treat the infection, which is already looking A TON better. We have also started him on Poly vi sol vitamin supplement and infant probiotics (to help with spitting up) and he gets a dose of mylicon in the evening cuz he gets gassy. Poor guy is on a whole bunch of meds! But he is doing well! He was 8 lbs 6 oz at our appointment so he is gaining and breastfeeding is going wonderful.
Eli will be going on his first big roadtrip in about a week. My dad is flying down on Feb 5 and then we are driving to St Louis together. Eli and I will be spending a little over 2 weeks up there. Cory will be joining us on Feb 16th and we will return to Texas on Feb 22nd. I cannot wait for my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins to get to see Eli. And I know Eli's grandma and grandpa are just itching for him to get up there! Looking forward to this trip!
So we took Eli to Freebirds and Cory ordered an Eli sized burrito LOL. I have added more pictures to his baby album on facebook so click HERE to see pics of Eli from the last week :)
Have a great weekend and blessings to you all!