It has been awhile since I last posted, but that is because our summer has been so busy!
In May, we attended Disaster Response Training in Valencia, Pennsylvania with Mission to the World (and we passed the course, whohoo!) I lost some of my pictures but look here to glimpse our trip to Pennsylvania
We also went to New York in June with the First Baptist Church Choir and it was AMAZING. Not only were we able to do some touristy stuff in NYC, but we served the Lord at Metro Ministries, working with children and we also sang at St Johns Catherdral, which brought me to tears. Check out the following albums for our New York trip :)
Exploring NYC
Metro Ministries and St John's Cathedral
Final Day in NYC
And now for the biggest news...if you haven't heard yet, Cory and I are expecting!!!! Meet Baby Farley at 7 weeks. We lovingly call our baby the "dood" right now until we know whether it is a boy or girl. The word "dood" in our household is a name we give to things that we have no other name for...its like another word for the "unknown." So until August 31st, when we find out whether we will be blessed with a boy or girl, Baby Farley's nickname is Dood. We will hit 16 weeks this Saturday and our due date is New Years Day! 1-1-11 :) We are so in love with this lil person :) It is such an amazing experience to carry life!