I really do not know what all I can say except that my heart breaks today. Miss Luna Moon has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge today.
Last night, she continued to worsen and couldnt breath well at all. She had to sit up to breath because of the fluid and she would fall asleep sitting up but wake her self up as she tipped over, so she really didnt sleep much the past 2 days. Last night she wouldnt eat nor would she eat this morning. Her breathing got increasingly difficult and last nite when we went to bed, I did begin to feel like she was suffering. I also noticed last night that her back legs were edematous, meaning fluid was building up else where in her body as well. This morning when I listened to her heart, there was a nonstop Gallop, I knew this meant things were really getting worse. Her paracentesis continued to leak and we got gauze and an ace bandage and kept it wrapped to prevent infection. For the past few days we were hopeful and how quickly the tables turn. We called the vet first thing this morning and our vet was out of town but reachable so Jennifer (the main tech that has assisted us)called her and Dr. Carol suggested we get a 2nd opinion before we make a drastic decision so they gave us info for a pet hospital in Lubbock that they recommend. So we took her there, expecting that it was our last ride with our pup. Everytime you ask her "you wanna go?" those ears perked up and she was out the door and flying to the car. Not this time :( I sat in the back of the car with her and loved on her. When we got to the vet we just continued to love on her because we were pretty sure we didn't have much time left with her. When we went into the exam room and the vet listened to her, he said her heart was even muffled with the gallop, meaning that the fluid was filling around her heart and you could feel, just touching her sides, crackles in her lungs. What a horrible way to live. So we decided we had no other choice but to put her to sleep :( They took her back and put a catheter in her leg and then brought her back to us. We spent about 5 minutes with her and then they came with the medicine. They connected it to her catheter and I held her head in my arms, wrapped my arms around her neck, kissed her and loved on her while cory rubbed her back. She didn't struggle really, tried to pull away slightly but not to much. It was so fast and she was at peace. We stayed with her for about 5 more minutes and then we left. Cory is taking a final right now, poor guy. Not a good way to start your day before a final. We are having her cremated at the same place Demi was cremated and she will be picked up from the vet today so hopefully we will have her back early this week. We plan to go pick out a pretty something to put her in at Hobby Lobby after Cory's final. We are staying in Lubbock this evening to go see the play Cats which will help take our minds off it for a lil bit. But it sure is gonna be sad when we get home. I have been talking to the breeder through this whole battle and today i called to give him the news. He was so sorry for us and his heart was breaking for us. He has 4 puppies, with 1 left that is unclaimed. They are three weeks old. He told us that shes ours if we want her. So we may go see her tomarrow morning. He said she has a moon mask like Lunas and is black and white like Luna. This may sound silly, but if we decide to take her, it will be in honor of Luna. I by no means want to replace her, and there is no dog that could replace her. But we can still give the great amount of love we have for Luna to another special puppy.
This is one of those things that you don't think you can handle it, you hate anticipating it, but you make it through it. I praise God for the time He gave us with our special Luna Moon. It may have been short but it was very very special. We will miss her dearly. Thank you all for your prayers.