Whew. Time sure flies. My community rotation is coming to an end. We had our last exam on Monday (which I got a 94 whoohoo!) and we also did the ERI (which I talked about at the end of last semester -national exam) which I got 4 points above the national average! Monday was a great day for me! I have finals this week and then I start critical care! I cannot believe how fast the semester has gone. Already halfway done! While I am nervous, I am really excited for critical care because students that have been thru this semester say this is the rotation where it all seems to come together. It has slowly been coming together. Each week that goes by makes me feel more and more like a nurse :) I can't believe I only have a semester and half left til I am a nurse! Wow! Through my community rotation, I have found that I really enjoy community health, educating and managing cases. I started to look into grad school at SLU (St. Louis University) even though its a ways off still. I am thinking about becoming a Nurse Specialist and being a case manager. I would love to work with individual families, educating them and helping them find resources for whatever their situation. But I will most likely work in the hospitals for a while to get experience and while going through grad school. Grad school is just a thought right now and since graduation is getting closer, it doesn't hurt to explore options now :)
Cory is still blowing things up and spending alot of time in his lab. I will be heading to STL for spring break while he stays behind to work in the lab. He also has been working on his Roadrunner and working on getting the engine built with the help of a machine shop in Tulia. He has really enjoyed it! He also did some engineering on the side and I was really impressed with it so I wanted to share a picture of his beautiful engineering :) A work bench for all his lovely greasy car parts!
well, time for me to unload some pictures. This first album is from last semester. We delivered a baby, nursing student style with SimMomma, a simulation mannequin. It is as realistic as it can be to a live birth so enter at your own risk!
SimMomma's delivery
My good friend Christina added a new addition to her family a couple weeks ago. =) Lil Jake entered the world on February 16th! Here are some pics of her new lil one :)
Christina and Jacob
There is much more to blog about but I need to go run some errands and pick Cory up from the Chevy dealer. He is getting the radio in his HHR worked on. So, I am off! Here is a video to make you smile. It made me laugh and I hope it does you too!
The Smarty Pants Dance!