Well this first week back to school proved insane! Take a look at my command center...
Awesome isnt it? No, not really. This semester is going to be VERY busy. But I survived and got everything in on time, even though I wasnt sure if I was going to be able to get everything done. PHEW! I got home from class about 3 everyday this week and did hmwk from the moment I got home til about 10 at night...I am in my pediatric/OB rotation and I am also taking a research class online that requires a paper every week on top of other hmwk >< HAPPY NEWS! I switched my clinical hours to Evenings so now I will be in clincial from about 12 or 1 til 6 or 7 when I am at the hospitals. That means I dont have to wake up at 4 am to get to clinicals that start at 615! That was a happy switch cuz I think I will sleep better this semester since I wont have to worry about getting up before the crack of dawn. Hopefully things calm down a tiny bit after this first initial week. Cory is coping well with his new found stress that is grad school! He is taking a heat transfer class, a linear algebra class and a chemistry class called "powder xray defractonometer" which will be helpful for his thesis. He starts his TA job soon and will be working in the lab for his thesis.
Im gonna head out. got some errands to run and then some hmwk to do. Cory and I are heading to Quitique tomarrow hopefully to find we have a place to hunt dove. Monday dove season opens. If we dont get to go after dove, Cory will at least get to sight in his rifle.
I have linked 4 albums of our Florida trip we took in May. I finally got them posted! YAY! It is a lil bit of a picture overload but at least they are finally up. Have a great holiday weekend everyone!
Been busy this past week. Cory got his classes all figured out so that is a relief. We visited with his professor he will be working with and got to see the lab, which I thought was totally cool. I told Cory when we left that I was glad I was not engineer grad student becuz I would be scared to operate all the equipment in the lab, I would be sure to start a chain reaction that blew up the entire school :| I think I will stick to nursing ;) We both start class on Monday and are both excited but also nervous. Sadly, I am already working on homework even though class hasnt started yet >< the joys of nursing school. This semester should be interesting as we are doing the mom/pedi/baby rotation. I am actually excited =) We also worked on the yard a bit more. We went to a nursery here in Plainview and declared chemical warfare on our yard. We have goosegrass, nutgrass and a few other kinds of weeds that we are trying to get rid of. This stuff kills everything but bermuda grass, which we have a healthy amount of. We are hoping that within the next month the bermuda will take over all the dead spots that we hope to soon see. We will see what happens. The fact that no one lived in our house for 6 months before we moved in = crp land pretty much. It doesnt look like crp land anymore lol but there is still some work to be done. We also bought a really nice patio set. We are currently working on a sitting area in our backyard, which I am really excited about!
On to some photos!
This album is tiny. On August 14, Cory and I trooped at the Lubbock Tinseltown for the midnight showing of the Clone Wars. We had a blast =)
Sadly, my stupid laptop ate about 100 pics that I took while we were in Houston. :( My computer finally made us mad enuf that I got a new laptop ;) Here are the few photos that I was able to take the last few days we were there. We had a great time. We found out that Luna is really really good with kids and her curiousity towards the babies was so funny.
I had a really great video of Luna and Josh playing but my old computer ate it :( This video is pretty cute though :)
So theres some pics and videos of the day. While I wait for Cory to wake up, I am doing homework. Little does he know but when after he wakes up, we are going for a jog! Have a great rest of the weekend everyone :)
Yesterday Cory and I worked around the house. We are getting some spring cleaning done really late! At one point we decided to go work outside in the flowerbed and on the lawn. It was a nice calm cool day outside so we brought the dogs out with us...without a leash. While June is excellent without a leash anytime, Luna is really good without a leash when she is going to the car and getting to go byebye. We werent sure if her curiosity would make her wander. Well, she passed! She did very well and stayed in the yard with us unleashed for about 2 hours. She knows the street is off limits so here she is "not touching" the street but getting as close as possible. We live on a very peaceful, non busy street so we were ok with her laying there. A car passed right by her, scared me, she just watched it go bye. GOOD GIRL!
We have also been giving her more freedom when we are gone. She is kennel trained but now that she has hit a year old we are allowing her to stay out of the kennel while we are gone for longer and longer periods. Last night, we went out to dinner and a movie with Kendra and Brandon and were gone for about 4 hours. When we got home, nothing fell victim to Luna's lips!!!!! She is slowly gaining more trust and has been left to roam the house when we are gone since we got back from Houston! I am so proud of her :)
Today after church, Cory and I did a lil sales tax free weekend shopping and then just spent the day together watching movies =) It was very nice! Cory also surprised me with...these =) I love my hubby!
Well time to go read and head to bed. We will be heading to Lubbock tomarrow so Cory can get everything in order for his semester and to do a lil shopping. Have a happy Monday all !
If that is the case, then Cory truely loves me :| This morning looked like this.
We woke up, laid there and talked for a few minutes while snuggling. I decided it was time to get up and Cory proceeded to beg for just a few more minutes. After a few minutes, I decided it was really time to get up. But Cory's bear hug proved difficult to escape from.
Cory: No not yet. Stephanie: Cory let me up please. We have alot to do today. Let me up. Cory: Ok fine, then GET UP!
He then launched me off the side of the bed where I landed on my back, on top of a power cord and cranked my elbow on the metal frame of our bed. I couldnt help it but tears came to my eyes cuz it did hurt and I was kind of in shock that I just got tossed off the bed. As I opened my eyes and looked up, Cory's face appeared over the mattress, cackling. But as soon as he saw the tears, that face changed to concern. This sounds like a serious case of spousal abuse huh. well its not. Cory was just playing with me and we were giggling when it happened but he underestimated the slickness of our new 1k count sheets :| As a result, I got launched. I feel loved.
Aside from being launched out of the bed this morning, we are back in Texas for good for awhile. We just got back from an awesome trip to Houston! (pictures to come in the near future) I am still trying to get caught up with the pictures so here are a few more links from our trip to STL.
Here are photos from an armor party at Chris Moody's house.
I would blog more but Cory and I are getting ready for an evening with our pals the Smiths. =) Dinner and a super cheap movie at the Plainview theater! we love cheap fun. Have a great weekend!
Here is an album of Aaron's visit on his two days off. We were suppose to go up to Chicago and visit them but we had some family priorities to tend to so were unable to make it. While Aaron was in town, we went to the City Museum. This is not your regular museum. What was once a shoe factory back in the day is now a giant playground of trash and recycled things. It is so fun. The museum stays open late til about 1 am on the weekends with an outside bar. It is a blast! You climb, you sweat, you get stuck, you tear your clothes to peices...its so cool :D
So there are some photos as promised. Day 3 of braces is proving more painful then the first few days. Definately feel like someone has whacked me in the mouth with a baseball bat :( Today Cory and I are prepping for our trip to Houston. That means laundry laundry laundry! Hope everyone is doing well and staying out of the killer heat!
Well, We made it home on Sunday. While it is nice to be back in our own home, I already miss being with the family back in the Lou :( Cant wait til school is done and we can move back!! I long for the day! We had alot of fun while in the Lou. I have pics to prove it. As you well know, my albums have once again piled up. I will do my best to post them in the next week or two.
Yesterday proved very productive and very painful! I woke up at 7 am to my Luna Alarm Clock. Trust me, stay away from these clocks...they are persistant and there is no snooze button ! >< Since I couldnt go back to sleep, I decided to surprise Cory by mowing the front lawn so that he only had the back to do and this made him very happy! After a shower and tossing on some makeup, we hopped in the car to start our very busy day. At 11 I had a dentist appointment to get my teeth cleaned with a new dentist whom I was quite pleased with! She was very nice and thier office is very very cute. They do all they can to make thier patients feel comfortable and thier office has a home-y feel about. Sadly, I found out that two pre-existing fillings need refilled so I will have to go back for that soon. After that I ran to the office for the hospice volunteering that I will be starting in September. I turned in my orientation paperwork and got a form I had to take to LapCorp where I had to pee in a cup. *sigh* Being the huge drug addict that I am, I had alot to worry about ;) Took that paper back to them , got a spiffy badge and then headed off to the orthodontist.
This is Day 2 of braces and holy cow...OW. The experience of getting them on wasnt to bad. Now that they are on, my teeth are adjusting and are so so tender. Biting down at all is out of the question. Yesterday my menu consisted of mashed potatoes and later, oatmeal. Today it was a Slimfast for breakfast and later we went out for chinese where I was pretty much only able to eat rice and noodles. Cory cackled as he ate a egg roll right in front of me, how sad. I am taking ibprofen as often as I can lol. Very very sore but totally going to be worth it. When I first looked in the mirror it made me want to cry lol cuz I totally look like a dorky teenager. While there is nothing wrong with being a dorky teenager, one hopes to look more adult in thier 20s ;) I admit I shed a few tears. However, I have two options. I can either choose to not smile and be shy about it or I can continue to smile, be proud of my current dorky style knowing that in the future my teeth will be straight! I go with option 2!!! It takes alot of effort to go with option 2, but to late to turn back now eh. Here are a few pictures. Honestly these are not the most attractive pictures of me but oh well...I have nothing to hide if I choose to smile!
Sorry this picture is dark. My front teeth are clear brackets which my adult side chose to go with ;) Get this. My front two teeth have some kind of power strip thing that pulls them together quicker. This picture was taken last nite and my gap, believe or not, was already closing. My gap, pre braces, was bigger than what is shown in this picture. When I woke up this morning, it was completely closed. WHOA!
Ya, attractive I know :P I have metal on the bottom as they are tougher and Dr. Sparkman said he puts metal on everyones bottoms becuz that area is more prone to getting broken brackets. The clear ones are not quite as strong and have a higher chance of breaking if used on the bottom teeth. ( /start sarcasm) I love how the brackets and wire clearly define how crooked your teeth actually are! /end sarcasm.
I also have a lovely lil spring here. It is going to completely rotate a backwards molar to its proper position. Orthodontics is simply amazing.
Here I am, all pathetic and smiling big so you can see them with the rest of my face. Mind you, I was not feeling very well here, my hair is thrown up with very little makeup.... but I definately look 14 dont I...ya...awesome :P
So I definately feel like my teeth are falling out : But it will be worth it in the end! I also got a Wall-e out of the whole ordeal! Cory bought me a Wall-e that hooks up to your ipod and plays your music thru his lil body which is a speaker. Not only does he play music, he responds to your voice and bust a groove to your music thats playing thru him!
He is grooving to some christian music. He really likes Mercyme. As you will see, he tends to get a lil charasmatic in his praise and worship.
Today Cory got up early to mow the lawn while I worked on unpacking. Didnt feel like doing that much yesterday by the time we got home. We also had some success today!!!! We left Luna out of the kennel for an hour and half today while we were out running errands...and SHE DIDNT EAT ANYTHING while we were gone! She was a good pup!!! We are attempting to make it so she doesnt have to stay in the kennel while we are gone and hopefully soon she will be able to run the house with June while we are out. The last time we tried this, she took a few knick knacks off of tables of her choosing and proceeded to chew on them. Not so bueno. We are trying again and today, no poor knick knack fell victim. YAY! Hopefully she will continue to be a good pup. I really dont want to have to kennel her while we are gone for school. Although it would only be a few hours at a time, I still would rather her run the house.
Well its time for some ibprofen!!! I will attempt to post some pics tomarrow. Cory and I will be leaving Thursday morning to spend a week in Houston with our southern Texas pals. Cant wait to see you guys!!!!